Machine Learning

Machine Learning platform provides model development & deployment using structured (tabular) data.

Deep Learning

Deep Learning platform provides model development & deployment using unstructured (text, picture, video, audio) data.

Generative AI - Text

Generative AI platform provides model development & deployment to generate new text content.

Generative AI - Image

Generative AI platform provides model development & deployment to generate new pictures and videos content.


General-purpose data intelligence platform for T&E enabling complex algorithms to elucidate mission-level effects


Enterprise process automation framework and workflow-driven process execution environment.

AI Workshop

AI Workshop for T&E professionals

AI Hack-A-Thon

AI Hack-A-Thon for T&E professionals

AI Workforce Development - AI Fellows

The AI Workforce Development is designed to create a “pipeline” of students trained & mentored to enter the workforce in the technical areas of need.